Home / Services for legal bodies / Construction compliance evaluation
Construction compliance evaluation is a special complex to reveal compliance of factual parameters and features of the object with standard parameters.
We do perform the following types of independent construction evaluations:
Performance evaluation
level factual quality of construction and repair works, compliance with requirements of state and branch standards, construction documentation and the customer's requirements.
Performed works evaluation
inspection, measures, evaluation of factual performed works and its comparison with data of construction documentation and as-built documentation to settle a dispute of real volumes of performed works.
Evaluation at acceptance of work
value quality and volumes of works when preparing the object for acceptance or replacement of contractors.
Evaluation of object and drawing up operational recommendations
monitoring of technical condition of construction frames and engineering systems in order to determine future requirements, major repair, reconstruction and technical update of the building.
Expert evaluation of independent construction evaluation findings
evaluation of facts and conclusions taken from expert opinio.
Analysis of construction documentation
determine if the set of documents is full, made project decisions match with technical specification and standards, and also with partial or full evaluation of cost estimation.
Evaluation of project decisions feasibility including financial area
analysis of project decisions efficiency focused on the customer's assets saving and compliance with objectives set by project.
Evaluation of building as an object of investments, mortgage or insurance
evaluation of technical condition of the building or the premise on the stage of preparation to transaction in order to reduce risks of the project.
Expert evaluation of construction management documentation
determine if the set of construction management documentation is full and analysis of this set's content.
Legal and technical evaluation
evaluation conducted by decision of arbitration court or civil court in order to determine completeness of documents, their authenticity and also materials about this construction and compliance of technological, project and cost parameters with factual parameters.
Pre-trial engineering evaluation
evaluation conducted to secure witnesses if there is a court proceeding or an administration proceeding if there are any grounds to assume the representing of witnesses may become impossible or difficult.
Our experts are certified by the Federal Legal expertise Center governed by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation; they have academic degree and are licensed to work with sophisticated measurement equipment and are valid members of the Russian Chamber of construction experts.
If required, our experts can participate in your judicial hearing.
© 2012 Russintek Ltd.
117 997, Moscow, Proffsoyuznaya st. 23
+7 (499) 706-81-13;
+7 (495) 974-91-29;
+7 (499) 130-04-26.